It is the 3rd week of the ORC and it is all about the DIY desk and built ins. That’s right, we are building a desk and some built ins for the office and craft room. Can we say, plot twist?!

You all know that on the previous post (week 2) I had on my vision board a gorgeous desk with built ins from Pottery Barn. Although is a beautiful desk, I was not going to pay that price. Therefore, I have decided to challenge myself to build one similar to it. You think I can pull it off?
This past week was all about doing research and brainstorming ways to “DIY” the desk and built ins on a budget. Keep in mind, that my husband and I are not professional carpenters, and this is simply a hobby. I love to create and transform things and I always include him in all of my shenanigans. Bless his heart! LOL!
We sketched out the room and the desk with built ins on paper to get a visual. Then we decided to take a trip to Home Depot. Walking back and forth thru every lumber aisle, discussing different ways we could make this work, our minds were spiraling down the rabbit hole. We took a breather and realized that we needed to work smarter not harder!
Then the light bulb turned on inside of our brains and we truly had an “AH-HA!” moment the minute we walked into the kitchen area. We found and quickly purchased some unfinished kitchen cabinets that will be used as the base for the desk. Thank goodness! I was getting scared because I thought we were really going to have to build cabinets from scratch!
We purchased 2- 24″ unfinished kitchen cabinets because we will be painting them soon. Slowly but surely we are making progress. In the meantime, enjoy the picture below of the current state of the room. I used blue tape to visualize the built-ins and the countertop. I am so anxious to see what the room will look like next week. The countertop was ordered, I am collaborating with a wallpaper company and I am extremely excited to see it all come to life.

Can’t wait to show you guys next week how everything is coming along. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and check out the other fabulous and talented One Room Challenge participants here.

Ohhh I love a good plot twist 😉
Me too! So fun!